A Sustainable Workforce Starts With You

RoofPoint: Elevating Environmental Performance

Hi there.  The Chamberlin Man here.

You may very well be interested to know The Center for Environmental Innovation in Roofing minted a program in 2011 called RoofPoint.  This certification program offers guidelines for the selection of energy efficient roofing systems, including a checklist to evaluate economic and environmental benefits.  As a matter of fact, these benefits could be substantial considering commercial rooftops have an annual potential of 700 trillion BTU in energy savings and 125,000 megawatts of renewable energy production.

Here’s the skinny:  RoofPoint is a voluntary, consensus-based green rating system developed by the Center for Environmental Innovation in Roofing to provide a means for building owners and designers to select nonresidential roof systems based on long-term energy and environmental benefits. 
To fulfill this mission, RoofPoint provides a simple, transparent and professional measure to ensure that new and replacement roof systems are designed, installed and maintained in accordance with the best sustainable practices available today.

RoofPoint functions as:

  • A checklist to identify the many ways current roofing systems provide economic value and protect the environment
  • A guideline to establish design, installation and maintenance criteria for the selection of sustainable roof systems
  • An assessment system to compare different sustainable roofing strategies and select the optimal roof systems for any building and site condition
  • A recognition program to validate roof system selection and reward environmental innovation in roofing

Want more?  Contact The Center for Environmental Innovation in Roofing at info@roofpoint.org or use the contact form on their website.

Until next time, I’ll be seeing you around.

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