A Sustainable Workforce Starts With You

Government Actions

When the private sector does not address a major issue, the public sector will often step into the vacuum and do it. The construction industry has been slow to embrace the principles of social responsibility and sustainable value, focusing instead on whatever it takes to be lowest bidder. As a consequence of this, government is adopting policies that reshape the rules for the industry.

Lawmakers in North Carolina are taking very seriously something that's been described as a “cancer eating at the heart" of the construction industry: The misclassification of...
All last week, members of the Associated Builders and Contractors of America were in Washington to talk with members of Congress and others about the need to invest in a future...
The major issue is job skills mismatch. The people looking for jobs are not trained in the skills that employers need in order to hire them.
Despite what’s been widely described as a very tough legislative session for various business interests, the construction industry’s associations in Texas were able to...
Steel and iron producers in Texas are hoping that before the legislative session ends this month, lawmakers will approve a bill prohibiting the use of cheaper foreign steel in...
After previous assurances from Governor Greg Abbott that he wanted lawmakers to pass a narrowly-focused crackdown on local sheriffs who refuse to cooperate with federal...
As part of a nationwide push, Republicans in Missouri have now voted to bar local governments from “tipping the scales” when it comes to so-called “project labor agreements” on...
Associated Builders and Contractors (ABC) voiced its strong support for the Fair and Open Competition Act (S. 622). The bill, introduced by Sen. Jeff Flake (R-Ariz.), will reduce...
Romero’s bill, House Bill 3357, stipulates that contractors or subcontractors for public work projects can’t misclassify workers as independent contractors. It also ups the...