A Sustainable Workforce Starts With You

Government Actions

When the private sector does not address a major issue, the public sector will often step into the vacuum and do it. The construction industry has been slow to embrace the principles of social responsibility and sustainable value, focusing instead on whatever it takes to be lowest bidder. As a consequence of this, government is adopting policies that reshape the rules for the industry.

Republican lawmakers in both the Texas House and Senate are advancing legislation that would take aim at certain collective bargaining agreements on taxpayer-funded jobsites...
An anti-union measure that some worry is unconstitutional has now been sent to the Texas House of Representatives by the Senate, moving much more quickly through the process than...
The campaign promises of President Donald J. Trump to construct a physical barrier along the international boundary with Mexico – yes, a border wall – are now turning into actual...
Now that it’s been given the green light by the the Austin City Council, a new program will launch in the coming weeks to expedite permitting for construction projects including "...
Following high-profile immigration raids and a shift in the enforcement stance of the federal government, there have been reports around Texas over the last week that some...
President Trump's hastily arranged ban on foreigners traveling to the United States from select countries sparked protests, invited a court fight, and helped make the case for...
A proposal aimed at making it even more difficult than it already is for organized labor groups to operate in Texas is one step closer to reality. Senate Bill 13 would make it...
Sheral Keller, the director of the Office of Workers’ Compensation Administration at the Louisiana Workforce Commission (OWCA), has written an article in which she explains how...
Through their various trade associations, construction executives from all over Texas are letting state lawmakers know what they think about issues that impact the industry. The...