A Sustainable Workforce Starts With You

The Chamberlin Man's blog

Seaholm Power Plant - City Of Austin

Chamberlin Roofing & Waterproofing had the pleasure of working alongside Canalco on repurposing the Seaholm Power Plant intake wall in Austin, Texas. The Seaholm Power Plant had a pre-existing issue resurface when they noticed several thousand gallons of water going into its chambers when it wasn’t supposed to. We were able to assist Canalco in repairing this issue by drilling holes through the existing concrete and sealing them with polyurethane curtain grout. The engineering firm Wiss, Janney, Elstner Associates, Inc,. [node:read-more:link]

Failures from Improper Use of High-Voltage Holiday Detectors

Industry guidance and standards for the use of high-voltage holiday detectors can sometimes conflict with each other. As a result, an inspector can unknowingly or unwittingly perform the tests improperly and damage the coating without understanding why. For example, if you set the voltage too high, you can burn a hole in the coating and cause damage to an otherwise fine coating. [node:read-more:link]

Chamberlin Developing its Workforce

Proper training and continuing education are key components in working safely and productively on our projects. Chamberlin prides themselves on high-quality installations based on decades of hands-on experience. Through professional development and mentoring, we elevate our team to deliver successful projects at the best possible price.
