A Sustainable Workforce Starts With You

The Chamberlin Man's blog

New Braunfels Receives The Wurst Renovations

Wursthalle in New Braunfels, Texas, is the main event center for Wurstfest. From humble beginnings as a one-day affair, it has grown into an annual 10-day festival commemorating German culture. Wurstfest is a non-profit corporation designed to promote local commerce, especially through tourism, and preserve the community’s heritage. It provides a vehicle for local civic organizations to raise large amounts of money for a wide variety of community projects. [node:read-more:link]

Chamberlin 2020 Year In Review

What a year. Though it has been tough, scary and unpredictable, Chamberlin has been able to continue building as an essential business which we are immensely grateful for. It’s been a wild ride, and as the year comes to an end we want to take some time to celebrate the high notes. Join us in looking back at the good times for a little holiday cheer in our Year in Review video.

We hope you have high notes to celebrate this season as well, no matter how big or small. We wish you and yours the happiest holidays, and may your Zoom calls be merry and bright. [node:read-more:link]